About us

About ISMT

ISMT ST SALOMON University is a bilingual institution of higher learning accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Republic of Benin and located at Cotonou, Republic of Benin. Which offers academic opportunities in various fields with technological approach. ISMT ST SALOMON UNIVERSITY is one of Republic of Benin’s top teaching and research Universities. With an international reputation for excellence across the humanities, Sciences, Arts, Business and Engineering.
The motivations of her creation put her in a tradition where Excellence is structural rather than cyclical and new topic, As a kind of appendix to induce the whole body, Institut Supérieur de Management et de Technologies (ISMT ST SALOMON).

We say that ISMT ST SALOMON training must lead to an employment and feed its man. It is to respond to that requirement that we have chosen to hire the majority of our products. Our best students benefit, if a permanent employment is not possible, at least a long-lived paid Industrial Training that they stop only when they get a well-paid employment.

ISMT ST SALOMON University tries to be a family, which any student, having maintained a relationship purely academic with another University or University Institute, will dream of.


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Studying at ISMT ST Salomon for undergraduate and postgraduate qualification is an investment for your future. Gaining knowledge from qualified Academic persons (Academia) will help to enter into the minds of professional corporate bodies within the Global Context and it will help to gain competitive advantage for future Employment. it is a place (community) to build your intellectual power, Career, change direction of becoming an expert in your area of specialization. It is a leverage to the next step for any desired life.

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Institute supérieur de Management et de Technologies (ISMT ST SALOMON)is a leading research university home to renowned faculty, and also an innovative educational institution where the curiosity, creativity and intellectual joy of students drives academic excellence. The spirit of the undergraduate Open curriculum infuses every aspect of the University. ISMT ST SALOMON is a place where rigorous scholarship, complex problem solving and service to the public good are defined by intense collaboration, intellectual discovery and working in ways that transcend traditional boundaries.


Uniquely located in the heart of Republic of Benin's largest and economic capital city, ISMT ST SALOMON UNIVERSITY brings together thousands of students and many staff in one thriving hub of discovery. ISMT ST SALOMON has a vast array of amenities on campus including a library, laboratory, Media Studio, social club and a cafe. Our sport facilities are some of the best university facilities in the country. It's a diverse campus, with a strong focus on equity, diversity and inclusion. Staff and students from several countries study and work here. A range of services support students from culturally diverse backgrounds, and those with disabilities.